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Mirth Turtle Mirth Turtle Social

3 years with the e-bike and it's still doing a great job

The e-bike hauls a bag of chips I couldn't fit into my backpack Racking up kms on the odometer (2702)

AI isn't gonna take my job... I'm perfectly capable of torpedoing my career myself, and also technically I'm unemployed already

Once at a temp job I started reading Atlas Shrugged in the breakroom so I could learn who in the organization was an asshole

I must admit I had a Dilbert phase in my early teens... I think the idea of a job where I could drink coffee and be on the computer all day appealed to me

My first dev job was a creepy body-scanning company up in Burnside and although they went under, the snakes in charge reincorporated under a different name and still own highly detailed 3D scans of my terrible body

One time at a data entry job my coworkers called me β€œSuperman” I thought because I was talented at data entry but turned out it was because they had a joke that I looked like Turkish Superman from the B-movie

Excluding games – what's a piece of software you *like*? Something that gets the job done, but also you enjoy using it. No reason, I'm just interested

Putting together a job description for a personal assistant and under REQUIRED saying they need to serve as my foil

*Raccooncoin goes up* ME: omg I am such a good trader *Raccooncoin goes down* ME: well FUCK I guess I have to get a JOB now

(first day at my first dev job many years ago) ME: *typing into the terminal* COWORKER: Don't forget about tab completion! ME: *holy shit terminals have tab completion* Oh, uh, yeah must be nervous haha

Sometimes I try to explain to people why I like Go so much, but the AlphaGo documentary does a much better job of getting it all across.


Make it your β€œjob” to do household tasks like washing dishes and laundry by β€œpaying” yourself money, and spend it exclusively on self-care. Sorry that this one is inherently capitalist.

*first day on the trading floor and the boss is pissed* HODL? It's called selling you idiot and it's half your job

Sometimes to have fun at my job I see how many Fleetwood Mac references I can get into the codebase

Overhauling my online store in time for the new book release in September. Once again thankful that I don't do #CSS for a job

Once I had a job in Burnside & made a GIF about it

Seven winters ago, cold and unemployed, I thought Hospital Porter would be the best job. Their system won't let me forget that dream.

#FreelanceSanityCheckIn week 7 -- just accepted a full-time job. #FreelanceFail

β€œDid not get the social media job”: new blog post


Starting the new job tomorrow. Bought new jeans & got the cat hair off a few shirts; now just to figure out how Heroku works and I'm all set

Had a proper job for 7 months now so today I let myself buy prosciutto

β€œProud Mary” was always there for me when I left my good city jobs, but I've yet to find these river people who will allegedly give me money

This must be what it's like to have a school system / parents that are perfectly satisfied with producing mediocrity. β€œGreat job this week”