Math101 [4k] vs Sam_Gam [5k] 🏆
Feb 9, 2021 06:27 AM
(;FF[4] CA[UTF-8] GM[1] DT[2021-02-09] PC[OGS:] GN[Go is Play To Win] PB[Sam_Gam] PW[Math101] BR[25k] WR[26k] TM[600]OT[5x30 byo-yomi] RE[B+R] SZ[19] KM[6.5] RU[Japanese] C[Math101: Hi Sam_Gam: hi, hang Math101: Have fun ] ;B[qc] C[Math101: Hi Sam_Gam: hi, hang Math101: Have fun ] (;W[dd] (;B[dp] (;W[qp] (;B[jj] (;W[cq] (;B[dq] (;W[cp] (;B[do] (;W[bn] (;B[op] (;W[oq] (;B[nq] (;W[pq] (;B[np] (;W[jm] (;B[jp] (;W[qn] (;B[cm] (;W[gm] (;B[cn] (;W[bm] (;B[cl] (;W[cr] (;B[dr] (;W[em] (;B[co] (;W[bo] (;B[gp] (;W[fj] (;B[fc] (;W[hc] (;B[cc] (;W[dc] (;B[cd] (;W[cf] (;B[ce] (;W[de] (;B[df] (;W[cb] (;B[bb] (;W[db] (;B[bf] (;W[cg] (;B[ef] (;W[ba] (;B[ab] (;W[bg] (;B[af] (;W[bd] (;B[ad] (;W[fd] (;B[di] (;W[dh] (;B[eh] (;W[ei] (;B[ci] (;W[eg] (;B[fh] (;W[fg] (;B[dg] (;W[gh] (;B[ch] (;W[fi] (;B[dh] (;W[fe] (;B[lm] (;W[kl] (;B[ll] (;W[kk] (;B[gg] (;W[ff] (;B[hh] (;W[gi] (;B[ig] (;W[hf] (;B[hg] (;W[ii] (;B[hi] (;W[hj] (;B[ij] (;W[jh] (;B[jg] (;W[kh] (;B[hk] (;W[gj] (;B[kg] (;W[lh] (;B[lg] (;W[ik] (;B[mh] (;W[lj] (;B[ji] (;W[kj] (;B[ng] (;W[ih] (;B[hm] (;W[hn] (;B[gn] (;W[ho] (;B[fm] (;W[hp] (;B[hq] (;W[go] (;B[fp] (;W[fn] (;B[fl] (;W[el] (;B[jc] (;W[pd] (;B[qd] (;W[pe] (;B[pc] (;W[nd] (;B[qf] (;W[mf] (;B[nf] (;W[me] (;B[mg] (;W[je] (;B[mc] (;W[oc] (;B[ke] (;W[kd] (;B[le] (;W[ld] (;B[jd] (;W[md] (;B[ie] (;W[qe] (;B[re] (;W[pf] (;B[qg] (;W[pg] (;B[ph] (;W[rf] (;B[rg] (;W[rd] (;B[sf] (;W[rc] (;B[rb] (;W[ob] (;B[qb] (;W[kc] (;B[oe] (;W[jb] (;B[od] (;W[kp] (;B[kq] (;W[ko] (;B[lq] (;W[pk] (;B[rk] (;W[mo] (;B[on] (;W[jo] (;B[ip] (;W[nm] (;B[mn] (;W[ln] (;B[nn] (;W[mm] (;B[om] (;W[nl] (;B[ol] (;W[nk] (;B[ok] (;W[ql] (;B[nj] (;W[mk] (;B[mj] (;W[lk] (;B[qm] (;W[rm] (;B[pm] (;W[rl] (;B[pj] (;W[ds] (;B[es] (;W[cs] (;B[fr] (;W[rj] (;B[qk] (;W[pl] (;B[qj] (;W[sk] (;B[ri] (;W[or] (;B[nr] (;W[mp] (;B[lp] (;W[lo] (;B[bl] (;W[ic] (;B[id] (;W[hd] (;B[he] (;W[gf] (;B[ib] (;W[kb] (;B[qo] (;W[ro] (;B[po] (;W[rn] (;B[qq] (;W[rq] (;B[qr] (;W[pp] (;B[os] (;W[ps] (;B[ns] (;W[pr] (;B[ek] (;W[gl] (;B[fk] (;W[gk] (;B[en] (;W[dk] (;B[dl] (;W[ej] (;B[ck] (;W[dj] (;B[am] (;W[ap] (;B[fo] (;W[an] (;B[al] (;W[cj] (;B[bj] (;W[if] (;B[jf] (;W[ge] (;B[je] (;W[mq] (;B[mr] (;W[ee] (;B[bh] (;W[sj] (;B[sl] (;W[sm] (;B[si] (;W[sl] (;B[hb] (;W[ec] (;B[gc] (;W[gd] (;B[pn] (;W[li] (;B[mi] (;W[fb] (;B[pb] (;W[nc] (;B[rr] (;W[sp] (;B[sr] (;W[sq] (;B[qs] C[Sam_Gam: gg, thanks Sam_Gam: I hoped my mistake at E6 wouldn't be too much, but the graph says it was important ] )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Review by: Sam_Gam

Typical fights that were good for me in theory

Played too fast
Bad misread
Stayed calm
Aggressive play
Executed a kill

Sam_Gam Feb 9, 2021 – 7:37 AM

Probably too slow.

Sam_Gam Feb 9, 2021 – 7:34 AM

WHY did I not play this? Anyone would have played this. I still can't believe what I played.

Sam_Gam Feb 9, 2021 – 7:33 AM

This was the plan all along but I played too fast not seeing the ensuing atari for some reason.

Sam_Gam Feb 9, 2021 – 7:32 AM

LADDAAAAAAR (could have captured the stone early (instead of not at all))