sam032 [8k] vs Sam_Gam [10k] 🏆
Jul 9, 2020 04:26 AM
(;FF[4] CA[UTF-8] GM[1] DT[2020-07-09] PC[OGS:] GN[Sam_Gam vs. sam032] PB[Sam_Gam] PW[sam032] BR[19k] WR[23k] TM[1200]OT[5x30 byo-yomi] RE[B+R] SZ[19] KM[0.5] RU[Japanese] HA[2] AB[pd][dp] C[Sam_Gam: hi ] ;W[qp] (;B[dc] C[sam032: hello~ ] (;W[fq] (;B[cn] (;W[dq] (;B[cq] (;W[cr] (;B[eq] (;W[dr] (;B[fp] (;W[er] (;B[ep] (;W[cp] (;B[bq] (;W[bp] (;B[co] (;W[aq] (;B[bo] (;W[br] (;B[dj] (;W[nc] (;B[oc] (;W[nd] (;B[pf] (;W[jc] (;B[hc] (;W[en] (;B[gq] (;W[fr] (;B[fm] (;W[dk] (;B[ck] (;W[dl] (;B[cl] (;W[em] (;B[dn] (;W[fn] (;B[fl] (;W[fk] (;B[fj] (;W[gk] (;B[ej] (;W[hm] (;B[id] (;W[ce] (;B[cd] (;W[bd] (;B[de] (;W[cf] (;B[df] (;W[cc] (;B[dd] (;W[bb] (;B[cg] (;W[bg] (;B[bh] (;W[bf] (;B[ch] (;W[db] (;B[eb] (;W[gj] (;B[gi] (;W[hg] (;B[hi] (;W[jg] (;B[ke] (;W[ld] (;B[ji] (;W[lg] (;B[if] (;W[ig] (;B[lf] (;W[ki] (;B[mg] (;W[jj] (;B[kj] (;W[ii] (;B[li] (;W[jh] (;B[mj] (;W[kk] (;B[lh] (;W[jf] (;B[je] (;W[ib] (;B[ql] (;W[qe] (;B[qd] (;W[qf] (;B[qg] (;W[rg] (;B[qh] (;W[rh] (;B[qi] (;W[ri] (;B[pe] (;W[qj] (;B[pj] (;W[qk] (;B[rd] (;W[pk] (;B[oj] (;W[ok] (;B[nk] (;W[pm] (;B[pp] (;W[qo] (;B[qq] (;W[pq] (;B[oq] (;W[pr] (;B[or] (;W[qr] (;B[kq] (;W[gp] (;B[hp] (;W[gr] (;B[hq] (;W[hr] (;B[ir] (;W[lq] (;B[lr] (;W[mq] (;B[mr] (;W[kp] (;B[jp] (;W[ko] (;B[jr] (;W[no] (;B[nm] (;W[mn] (;B[jo] (;W[kn] (;B[lj] (;W[op] (;B[hj] (;W[il] (;B[hk] (;W[gl] (;B[hl] (;W[gm] (;B[ik] (;W[jk] (;B[im] (;W[in] (;B[jl] (;W[jn] (;B[kl] (;W[ll] (;B[lk] (;W[hf] (;B[fg] (;W[ie] (;B[ge] (;W[fh] (;B[gg] (;W[gf] (;B[ff] (;W[gd] (;B[fd] (;W[hd] (;B[gc] (;W[he] (;B[kh] (;W[hh] (;B[ji] (;W[ic] (;B[jd] (;W[ki] (;B[ol] (;W[pl] (;B[ji] (;W[fc] (;B[ij] (;W[gb] (;B[ec] (;W[hb] (;B[nb] (;W[mb] (;B[ob] (;W[nf] (;B[ng] (;W[le] (;B[kf] (;W[mf] (;B[kg] (;W[gh] (;B[fi] (;W[eh] (;B[eg] (;W[dh] (;B[dg] (;W[io] (;B[ip] (;W[ah] (;B[ai] (;W[ag] (;B[bj] (;W[se] (;B[re] (;W[rf] (;B[lm] (;W[mm] (;B[ml] (;W[om] (;B[np] (;W[po] (;B[nq] (;W[mp] (;B[ln] (;W[mo] (;B[nl] (;W[lo] (;B[da] (;W[cb] (;B[ps] (;W[qs] (;B[os] (;W[go] (;B[me] (;W[ne] (;B[kd] (;W[lc] (;B[kc] (;W[kb] (;B[fb] (;W[fe] (;B[gc] (;W[ee] (;B[fc] (;W[do] (;B[hc] C[Sam_Gam: gg ] ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Review by: Sam_Gam

Chickened out of ko, but got the kill eventually

Took advantage of mistake
Not aggressive enough
Not enough ko threats
Stayed calm
Recovered from disaster
Close game
Should have killed
Successful invasion
Too greedy
Executed a plan / trick
Should have played the ko further, but didn't know what qualified as ko threat. Benefitted from opponent's slow play (and from huge mistake in the last sequence). Somehow managed to cut that middle group off, required so many moves that it should not have worked.

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