🏆 mirthturtle [5k] vs StephenLGay [5k]
Nov 13, 2020 07:25 PM
(;FF[4] CA[UTF-8] GM[1] DT[2020-11-13] PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/28285984] GN[A nice game] PB[StephenLGay] PW[mirthturtle] BR[24k] WR[24k] TM[60]OT[5x10 byo-yomi] RE[W+R] SZ[19] KM[6.5] RU[Japanese] C[mirthturtle: Hi ] ;B[pd] C[mirthturtle: Hi ] (;W[dp] (;B[pp] (;W[dd] (;B[jd] (;W[qq] (;B[or] (;W[qp] (;B[po] (;W[qn] (;B[qo] (;W[ro] (;B[rp] (;W[rq] (;B[rn] (;W[sp] (;B[qm] (;W[qc] (;B[qd] (;W[pc] (;B[oc] (;W[ob] (;B[nc] (;W[nb] (;B[mc] (;W[rd] (;B[re] (;W[rc] (;B[oe] (;W[jp] (;B[gq] (;W[eq] (;B[ho] (;W[mq] (;B[np] (;W[hc] (;B[cj] (;W[ch] (;B[cm] (;W[pn] (;B[rl] (;W[sn] (;B[rm] (;W[on] (;B[no] (;W[pj] (;B[ol] (;W[nm] (;B[nk] (;W[ln] (;B[lo] (;W[ko] (;B[lp] (;W[lq] (;B[kp] (;W[kq] (;B[nq] (;W[kn] (;B[mr] (;W[jr] (;B[jo] (;W[ip] (;B[io] (;W[hr] (;B[gr] (;W[hp] (;B[gp] (;W[go] (;B[im] (;W[jl] (;B[jm] (;W[kl] (;B[km] (;W[lm] (;B[ll] (;W[ml] (;B[lk] (;W[mk] (;B[kj] (;W[mj] (;B[lr] (;W[fp] (;B[hq] (;W[iq] (;B[hs] (;W[ir] (;B[kr] (;W[fr] (;B[mp] (;W[fq] (;B[jq] (;W[kq] (;B[nj] (;W[ni] (;B[rj] (;W[qi] (;B[ri] (;W[qh] (;B[rh] (;W[qf] (;B[rf] (;W[jj] (;B[ki] (;W[ji] (;B[kh] (;W[il] (;B[gn] (;W[gs] (;B[hl] (;W[hk] (;B[gl] (;W[jn] (;B[in] (;W[hm] (;B[hn] (;W[fn] (;B[gm] (;W[el] (;B[fk] (;W[pl] (;B[pm] (;W[ok] (;B[oj] (;W[pk] (;B[om] (;W[nl] (;B[nn] (;W[oi] (;B[fm] (;W[em] (;B[en] (;W[fo] (;B[dn] (;W[ek] (;B[fj] (;W[ej] (;B[gi] (;W[jh] (;B[kg] (;W[jg] (;B[ei] (;W[ck] (;B[bk] (;W[dj] (;B[ci] (;W[di] (;B[bj] (;W[eh] (;B[fi] (;W[gg] (;B[hg] (;W[hf] (;B[ig] (;W[if] (;B[hh] (;W[kf] (;B[mg] (;W[mf] (;B[nf] (;W[lg] (;B[lh] (;W[lf] (;B[mh] (;W[ng] (;B[nh] (;W[og] (;B[oh] (;W[pg] (;B[hj] (;W[ik] (;B[gk] (;W[kk] (;B[lj] (;W[id] (;B[je] (;W[jf] (;B[bh] (;W[cg] (;B[bg] (;W[ce] (;B[bf] (;W[be] (;B[bp] (;W[cq] (;B[bq] (;W[cl] (;B[bl] (;W[br] (;B[co] (;W[jc] (;B[ld] (;W[lb] (;B[mb] (;W[ma] (;B[kb] (;W[kc] (;B[lc] (;W[kd] (;B[la] (;W[pb] (;B[na] (;W[oa] (;B[sd] (;W[qa] (;B[fh] (;W[eg] (;B[fg] (;W[ff] (;B[cf] (;W[df] C[StephenLGay: thanks mirthturtle: Thanks ] ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Review by: mirthturtle

Kept the pressure on and lived everywhere.

Bad misread
Made important life
Aggressive play
Executed a kill

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